Choosing a Myrtle Beach Seafood Buffet
May 2, 2021
When choosing a Myrtle Beach seafood buffet, here are several factors you can consider for your decision.
1. The quality of the seafood of course! This is easy to tell right away by look and by taste. You want plump and sweet-smelling oysters, juicy shrimp, meaty crab legs and savory fish.
2. Variety of dishes. The buffet needs to have a variety of dishes for all palates and appetites. Toddlers may not appreciate juicy prime rib or know how to crack a crab leg, but they know their french fries, mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, cheese sticks and hushpuppies! Teens really go for crispy Calabash-style fried shrimp, while others appreciate being able to build a customized salad topped with sauteed scallops, steamed shrimp and baked salmon. And hey, if you want to start dinner with a variety of desserts, no one will judge.
3. Cleanliness and safety. If a family buffet isn’t clean and safe, then your experience is ruined. The floors and tables should be clean and free of stickiness, hot and cold foods must be at correct temperatures, and guests are required to use disposable gloves before touching communal tongs or spoons. At Pirate’s Table Calabash Seafood Buffet, we also take the extra step of using masks when not seated at tables, continuing to allow extra distance between tables, and disinfecting tables, highchairs and booster seats after every use.
4. The Fun Factor. Don’t just go out to eat – go out for food and fun! Every night we hear “Wow!” from children and adults who visit for the first time, because the first things they see are our tropical mermaid lagoon with its own waterfall, and our buffet that looks like a huge wooden sailing ship. It gets better from there as pirates serve the tables, children interact with live mermaids and a professional photographer is on hand to record the memories.
5. Price. A buffet that includes all-you-can-eat crab legs and prime rib is not inexpensive, but it is a fantastic value if you consider that the same price you pay at a good seafood buffet is about the same you would pay at a decent sit-down menu-based seafood restaurant for one appetizer, one entree, two side dishes and one dessert.

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